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Set up email with Outlook 2019 or 2021 on Windows

After installing Office 2019/2021 you can use Outlook to check your email. To get started, open the Outlook app found under the Windows menu.

Once you open Outlook, this window will appear:

Enter your full email address and click Connect.

You should then encounter a Windows Security Window:

Enter your Kerberos password and click OK.

As long as your password was entered correctly, you should be greeted by this message:

Be sure to uncheck the box for “Set up Outlook Mobile on my phone, too” and then click OK.

Outlook will then fully launch and begin synching your email and folders. Depending on the amount of email you have, this can take some time to complete.

NOTE: Another window may appear requesting that you accept the Microsoft terms and conditions to continue using the software. You will want to click “Accept and start Outlook.”

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Last Modified:

October 04, 2021

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