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Automatic Updates and Patching Landing

For more information on securing your data, see Information Protection @ MIT.

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An important way to protect your devices is to keep them up to date. Automatic-updates allow your devices to update as soon as new software patches are avilable - and they're not just for operating systems. Anti-virus software, business applications (Office) and more are important to keep up to date so you have the latest versions with the most current security fixes. To stay informed about the latest IT news and security threats, consider joining the IT Partners and the Security FYI lists.

How to

Mac OS




  • Most mobile devices will prompt you to take security updates as soon as they are available. Doing so promptly protects you from known exploits.


Many software packages offer automatic updates for security, bug fixes and feature additions. Check the vendor documentation on installation to learn how to turn on automatic updates. Here are some examples of software that has automatic-update options.


It's especially important to be aware of exploits that could compromise servers. If you can't take automatic updates because you need to plan for downtime, join security and patch release email lists for your operating system and software to stay aware of updates. That ensures you know about exploits and the necessary patches to protect your systems.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 21, 2021

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