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Acquiring Kerberos Tickets in Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9) and later


These steps are for Acquiring Kerberos Tickets in Mac OS using the applications Kerberos extra's commonly referred to as Ticket viewer. Ticket viewer must be used on the campus VPN if you are off campus.

  1. Download and install Kerberos Extras for Mac.
  2. Launch Kerberos Ticket Viewer (/Applications/Utilities/Ticket Viewer). On Mac OS Catalina it is located in (/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications).
  3. From the Ticket Viewer window, select the button labeled Add Identity.
    Ticket Viewer

  4. Enter your Kerberos username and password when prompted and press the button labeled Continue.

    Optional: You can select the checkbox for Remember password in my keychain if you would rather skip this step in the future.
    Name and Password fields

  5. You will now have a valid Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) listed in Ticket Viewer.
    Ticket Viewer with TGT

  6. You will now be able to run Keberos-based applications (SAPgui, etc.).
  7. To destroy kerberos tickets after a session, simply launch Ticket, select the tickets to be deleted by clicking the x, and then select Remove Identity.
Note: The Kerberos ticket listed in Ticket Viewer has an expiration date. After this date and time (or if a user logs out/shuts down the computer) a new Kerberos ticket must be acquired to use Kerberos-based applications. Mac OS X will not automatically prompt users to acquire Kerberos tickets. 

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 29, 2020

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