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A common framework for trustworthy shared management of access to on-line resources.

The mission of the InCommon Federation is to create and support a common framework for trustworthy shared management of access to on-line resources in support of education and research in the United States. To achieve its mission, InCommon will facilitate development of a community-based common trust fabric sufficient to enable participants to make appropriate decisions about access control information provided to them by other participants. InCommon is intended to enable production-level end-user access to a wide variety of protected resources. InCommon uses standards-based, SAML-compliant Shibboleth® as its federating system.

MIT is a member of the US higher-ed Shibbloleth federation named InCommon. MIT Touchstone also supports other technologies so that our local applications can also accept identities from OpenID identity providers.

See also

MIT Touchstone authentication system


Provides definitions for common IT terms and acronyms

Last Modified:

May 26, 2020

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