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Articles in "Debathena"

Page: Debathena development (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Debathena hacks (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Debathena Landing Page (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Debathena Private Workstation Owner Guide (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Debathena repository component options (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Debathena Troubleshooting and FAQ's (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Debathena Trusty 14.04 Release Notes (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Dotfiles for Bash (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Experimental features for Debathena (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Getting Started with Athena (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How can I get help with Debathena issues? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How can I install additional software or packages on Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How can I print from Debathena to a printer that isn't in the printer list? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How can I tell which Debathena metapackage I'm running? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How can I tell which version of Ubuntu I'm running? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I configure SSH to always delegate my Kerberos tickets? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I enable access control on Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I group like windows in the Debathena taskbar? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I install Debathena manually? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I install Debathena on my personal computer? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I install Debathena via PXE? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I install Kerberos on a non-Debathena Ubuntu machine ? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I install the Debathena-login metapackage? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I install the Debathena-login-graphical metapackage? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I install the Debathena-standard metapackage? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I install the Debathena-workstation metapackage? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I log someone out of a Debathena Trusty workstation? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I open a new Terminal window on Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I open a ticket in the Debathena bug tracking system? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I prevent my tickets from being renewed when I unlock my screen on Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I reinstall the OpenAFS metapackages for Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I set a default printer in Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I turn a debathena-cluster machine into debathena-workstation? (Community Contributions)
Page: How do I upgrade my Debathena workstation to the newest release of Ubuntu? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I use a different window manager on Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: How do I verify the checksum of a file on Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: I'm being prompted whether or not to replace the "path.debathena" file. What should I do? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Is there Eclipse on Debathena? (Community Contributions)
Page: MATLAB compiler issues on Ubuntu lucid and later releases (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Software Licenses in Debathena (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Troubleshooting Debathena installation (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Upgrading from Debathena Jaunty to Debathena Lucid (IS&T Contributions)
Page: What AFS sysname should I use when deploying software for Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: What are the hardware requirements for installing Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: What are the known issues for Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: What are the known issues with Debathena Lucid? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: What are the major changes between Debathena Jaunty and Debathena Lucid? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: What are the various session options for public Debathena machines? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: What do I need to know about installing Debathena in a virtual machine? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: What is Hesiod cluster information and how is it used by Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: When I log in to a Debathena workstation, why do I get an error about a .dmrc file? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: When I log in to Debathena, why do I only get one panel at the bottom of the screen with lot of missing menus and icons? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: When I try to ssh to a newly-installed Debathena machine, why does it immediately error with "Connection closed"? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: When I type "renew" in Debathena, why does it ask me for the password for the wrong username? (Community Contributions)
Page: Where did the Athena prompt (athena%) go? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Which 32-bit libraries are not available on 64-bit Ubuntu Lucid? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Which Debathena metapackage should I install? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why did I receive an error about signature verification when trying to update my Debathena machine? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why did my all MIT email disappear when I logged in to Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why did my desktop background and panel applets disappear when logging in to Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why didn't I get tickets when I logged in to my Debathena machine with a local account and my Kerberos password? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why do I get an "invalid Python installation" error on Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why do I get prompted for my password when connecting from a Debathena machine via SSH? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why does 'aklog' or 'renew' hang on Debathena? (Community Contributions)
Page: Why does Debathena say "No such file or directory" when I try to run some locker software? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why does Debathena say "Your AFS client does not seem to be working"? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why does Firefox use Acrobat Reader to display PDFs on Debathena? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why don't I get Kerberos tickets or AFS tokens when I connect to a Debathena machine via ssh? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Why don't I get my AFS home directory when logging in to a Debathena workstation? (IS&T Contributions)
Page: Working with the Command Line (IS&T Contributions)

Last Modified:

November 13, 2013

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