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How can I find out what fileserver a given locker is on?

Occassionally, file servers must go down for routine maintenance, or to fix problems that occur unexpectedly at times. Or, sometimes, network failures occur, and certain file servers cannot be reached from your location. When this happens, files and lockers that are stored on that
file server are unreachable; if your home directory is located there, you will not be able to reach your own files, and will be given the option to log in with a temporary directory.

To determine which fileserver your home directory, or another locker is on, type the following commands:

joeuser@athena:~$ add consult
joeuser@athena:~$ lookup lockername

Note: Be sure to fill in the correct information for lockername.

Use your username in place of lockername, if you are interested in finding out about your own directory.

joeuser@athena:~$ add consult
joeuser@athena:~$ lookup joeuser
Filesystem joeuser (AFS) is located on:
        ACHERON.MIT.EDU partition /vicepb (read-write)
Note: Be sure to fill in the correct information for lockername.
joeuser@athena:~$ add consult
joeuser@athena:~$ lookup matlab
Filesystem matlab (AFS) is located on:
        ACHERON.MIT.EDU partition /vicepa (read-write)
        APHRODITE.MIT.EDU partition /vicepa (read-only)
        ACHERON.MIT.EDU partition /vicepa (read-only, alternate)
Note: Be sure to fill in the correct information for lockername.

The "partition" refers to one specific part of a file server's storage array. Outages may only be limited to one or two partitions of a file server, so it's important to note both the file server's name and the partition.

For more information about this command, type "man lookup" after adding the consult locker.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 24, 2009

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