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Q: Why aren't my login scripts being run automatically and or or showing an error message (user)?


Here are two possible answers for the user:

Note: Container admins see: Why aren't my login scripts being run automatically and/or showing an error message (admin)?

  1. If you are shown a text file containing script that has to be manually closed, it is an indication that the interpreter for Perl (ActivePerl), which is deployed through Group Policy, has not yet been installed.
    This can occur due to the Windows XP Fast Boot feature, which makes the operating system believe network connectivity is established before it really is, and speeds up the boot process. It can also can lead to problems with Software Deployment GPOs.
    To resolve this issue, reboot your machine until the ActivePerl package has been deployed.

  2. In some instances, a DOS box stating that "the HideConsole.exe cannot be found" is shown at logon, which is part of LogonAfter.wsh. LogonAfter.wsh is part of the logon routine for machines in the WIN.MIT.EDU domain. This is a known issue for which we unfortunately don't yet have a solution, but can safely be ignored.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 04, 2020

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