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Q: Why do I get an "ANS1410E Unable to access the network path" message when restoring a file on a Windows machine?


When files are backed up from a Windows machine, the files are stored using the full path that Windows assigns to them: the UNC path. This method of storing the files' location includes the hostname of the machine on which the files are stored, an example being:


If the hostname of the machine you are conducting the restore on is different from the original hostname, then the restore will fail with the ANS1410E message. This is due to TSM, on noticing the UNC path, attempting to restore the file to the original local machine and going in search for it on the network. If the machine cannot be found (which it probably won't) then the above error is issued.

The solution when restoring files to a new host machine, is to choose the `Restore to' `Following location' in the `Restore Destination' dialog box and select where you want to restore the selected files.

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Last Modified:

May 02, 2012

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