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Q: How do I delete a Saved Search in RT?

  • How do I delete a Saved Search in RT?
  • How do I duplicate (copy) a Saved Search in RT?
  • How do I rename a Saved Search in RT?
  • I am trying to delete the report I created in My Saved Searches. How do I do it?


  • Applies to Request Tracker 4 on
  • Some actions will require queue or group administrative rights

This article also explains how to rename, copy, and update a saved search. Controls for these features are located in the same place as the delete feature.


Deleting Saved Searches in RT is not difficult to do, but the process can be a little cumbersome. The below step-by-step guide shows how to go about it:

  1. Click on the "Ticket" item in the RT menu bar and select "New Search". You will be taken to the main Query Builder screen.
    new search

  2. The "Query Builder" screen is fairly large and complex, but you're only going to be using a small section of it to delete a saved search.
    full search

  3. Go to the "Saved searches" section on the "Query Builder" screen and click on the "Load saved searchs:" popup menu and click on the saved search you want to load (you need to load it before you can delete it).
    pick saved search

  4. Click the Load button to load the saved search.
  5. You can tell if the saved search loaded successfully by: a result message informing you that the saved search was loaded; the name of the saved search appearing in the "Description" box; the Delete, Save as New, and Update buttons appearing next to the "Description" box.
    loaded saved search

  6. Perform one of these actions, depending on what you'd like to do:
    • To rename: edit the name of your saved search and click the Update button to rename your saved search
    • To copy: edit the name of your saved search and click the Save as New button to duplicate your saved search with the new name
    • To delete: Click the Delete button next to the "Description" box to delete the saved search
      delete saved search
      Query builder will now still show you the search parameters in the "Current Search" box, but the "Saved search" section will indicate that you're no longer looking at a saved search. It will also no longer appear in your list of saved searches on your home page.

To delete additional saved searches, return to Step 3 above and load another saved search from the list.

Note that saved searches can be personal, or published to a group that you are in. In some cases only group administrators will have permission to delete or change group saved searches, and although they appear in your list you may not be able to delete them. Please contact if you encounter a saved search you can't delete, and are not sure who can.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 26, 2017

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