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Q: How do I print from within a VMware Virtual Machine?


IS&T recommends using the Pass-through printing in your Windows virtual machines. With the current version of VMware Workstation or Fusion installed and VMware Tools installed in your virtual machine, you will automatically be able to print to any printer configured on your host machine from within the VM.

For Windows VMware Workstation

  • To verify your VM is configured to use Pass-through printing, in the VM -> Settings, confirm that the Printer is set to Present and Device Status configured to Connect at power on.

MacOS VMware Fusion

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click Printers under System Settings
  3. Check that the Enabled box is checked
You can add additional network printers within the VM as you would on any Windows machine, but will need to install the specific drivers within the virtual machine for each additional printer.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

December 16, 2015

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