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Quick Base Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Quick Base is a cloud-based workspace that allows users to build customizable database applications and web forms. QuickBase applications can be used to collect and collaborate on information, automate workflows and share reports.

MIT has a centralized license for a limited number of Quick Base applications. If your Department, Lab or Center is interested in building a Quick Base application, please contact to discuss.

Best Practices for MIT Quick Base Usage

Quick Base is best suited for

  • Data that needs to be updated by multiple people, with granular access controls
  • Complex data not easily managed and analyzed in spreadsheets
  • Applications that require communications via automated emails
  • Applications with less than 20 users. Questions? Contact

What other options should I consider?

  • For less complex data, where granular access control is not needed, consider an Excel document shared via Dropbox or a Google Sheet.
  • For a Touchstone protected web form to be accessed by many users, consider Drupal Cloud.
  • For emailed invitations to a web form and/or electronic signatures, consider DocuSign.

Which data can I store in Quick Base?

  • While Quick Base can be used to secure some types of confidential data, HIPAA-protected data or personally identifiable information should NOT be stored in Quick Base. Learn more

Should I build multiple apps, or consolidate tables into a single app?

  • MIT's license for Quick Base is limited. Where possible, please consolidate Quick Base tables into a single app.

Should I remove users who are no longer active?

  • In order to make room for additional Quick Base applications to be built, please remove users who are no longer actively accessing your app.
  • IS&T periodically removes access for inactive users.
  • View additional details regarding removal and restoration of access for inactive Quick Base users.

    Using Quick Base

    Getting Started

Building a Quick Base Application

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