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Why does my custom email template not work?


A common problem is that RT will construct the email reply by appending the text in your template to the email header. RFC822 (the email spec) requires a blank line between the end of the email header and the beginning of the email body. If your template text does not add any lines to the header, you must begin it with a blank line. If your template text does add header lines, care must be taken to insert a blank line between the end of the header and the beginning of the body.


  1. Correct:

    Thank you for your message. The widget fullfilment department at the ACME Widget Factory will get back to you as soon as possible.

  2. Correct:

    Thank you for your message. Your input is extremely important to us and we will treat it with the utmost of respect and expediency.

    Please buy our products and subscribe to our newsletter.

  3. Incorrect:

    Thank you for your message. Although we have not yet read our letter (we generally don't believe in reading documentation) we are sure that we know what we are doing and that our implementation of your suggestions (which we have not read) will be a complete success.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 28, 2011

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