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Q: How do I install root and personal certificates on Chrome?


Chrome inherits its certificates from the operating system’s host browser. On Windows, that’s Internet Explorer; on the Mac, Safari.

The easiest way to install certificates for use with Chrome on the Mac or Windows is to use Certaid. CertAid manages the entire certificate setup procedure, giving you a more reliable installation experience.

The setup procedure includes installing the MIT CA as well as your personal certificate, optionally deleting old certificates, and setting the correct identity preferences via a single, graphical application. If you need to retain access to old user certificates, e.g., for access to encrypted mail, you should not delete them.

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Last Modified:

November 25, 2015

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  1. Jun 11, 2018

    Or you can use SIPB’s CertAssist service to get your personal certificate directly in Chrome. CertAssist is a web application that doesn’t require any installation; all cryptography is performed in client-side JavaScript. Simple instructions for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android are given on the page.

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