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How can I lookup someone's Athena username or email address?

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There are 3 methods to query the MIT Directory from Athena: finger, ldaps, and the web-based people directory.


To find someone's Athena username if you know their real name, you can try querying the MIT directory, using "finger" at the athena% prompt:

finger lastname@mit
finger firstname_lastname@mit
finger firstname_initial_lastname@mit

These will give you information from the MIT directory. If you get more than one returned entry, like:

name: Schiller, Jeffrey I
department: Network Services
title: Network Manager
alias: J-schiller

name: Schiller, Peter H
department: Brain & Cog Sci
title: D.w. Poitras Professor
alias: P-schiller


from fingering @mit, you can get more detailed information about a specific user from the list by using the alias field. For example, if you were interested in just Jeff's information, you could type the following to get more detailed information, including Jeff's mail address (if available):

finger j-schiller@mit

Help about the on-line directory is available by typing "finger help@mit".

Note however, that some entries in the directory may have a different email address, such as one for Lincoln Labs ( In that case, to find their username, you must search the LDAP directory.


athena% athrun consult ldaps "firstname lastname" uid


athena% athrun consult ldaps "Joe A User" uid
dn: cn=Joe A Test User+employeeNumber=d5c9bff6b4c9c931ca743160d8a64204,ou=affiliates,dc=mit,dc=edu
ufn: Joe A Test User + d5c9bff6b4c9c931ca743160d8a64204, affiliates,
uid: joeuser

And the "uid" is the person's username, in this case "joeuser".

Web directory

You can search the MIT directory online at

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

May 25, 2012

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