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Q: How can I convert PostScript files to PDF format?


LaTeX Users
If you're trying to convert PostScript output from LaTeX into PDF, please read How can I get good PDF output from LaTeX?

There are two methods to convert PostScript files to PDF files.

The first is to use Evince, the graphical PDF/PS viewer. Double-clicking a PostScript file will cause it to open in Evince ("Document Viewer"). You can then choose "Print" from the "File" menu, and select "Print to File" to print your document to a PDF file.

The second method is to use the ps2pdf command in the Terminal window:

$ ps2pdf output.pdf

This method gives you slightly more control over the conversion process and allows you to specify the version of the PDF language to use. For more information see the ps2pdf man page.

There may be occasions where one or both of these programs do not produce the desired output. This can result from many things: unusual fonts in the PostScript document, inline images that are not correctly handled, differences between the version of the PDF language and the version of Acrobat Reader. More information on these
limitations can be found using "distill -help" or "man ps2pdf" as

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Last Modified:

January 05, 2010

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