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How can I resend the contents of a Pine folder to another address?

Backing Up All Your E-mail
The procedure described here should NOT be used to archive your e-mail or to retain a backup copy of it prior to graduation or account deactivation. Instead, please see our answer titled "[istcontrib:Archive (backup) email that is in my MIT account]".

After starting Pine, type 's' to enter the Setup screen, then 'c' to access the Configuration options. Type a 'w' and then the word 'aggregate' and then press return. This will move the cursor to the option called
"enable-aggregate-command-set". You need to enable this option in order to copy folders, so type an 'x' if there is no X in the box (like [ ]).

Then scroll down another three lines and put an X in the box for "enable-bounce-cmd", if it doesn't have one already.

Press 'e' to Exit Setup, and 'y' to save changes to your configuration. Pine will return you to the main menu.

Press 'l' to see the folder list. The topmost "Folder-Collection <MIT Mail>" is your IMAP account. Select the folder that you want to resend to your other account.

In the folder, press ';' to select messages, then 'a' to select all. Press 'a' and then 'b' to Bounce the messages. It will ask you what address you want to resend them to - tell it your other address. This should NOT be used for your entire Inbox, only for small collections of messages.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 13, 2014

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