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How can I access the Merriam-Webster dictionary from Athena?

  • The Abridged Merriam-Webster dictionary is freely available online at

  • In addition to online resources, the GNOME Dictionary program is available under the Applications menu in the Office catgeory, or from the command line as

  • The webster program in the SIPB locker also provides a text-based interface to the dictionary. To use it:
  1. Add the sipb locker by typing the following at the athena% prompt:
    add sipb
  2. Then, to lookup a specific word, enter a command of the form:
    webster word-to-look-up
  3. To go into interactive mode and look up several words, one at a time, you could type just:
  4. For more information on the webster program, view its manual page.

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Last Modified:

July 22, 2014

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