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Q: Why is the word title in curly brackets when I create an article?


  • The knowledge base and help system
  • MIT community members set up as direct contributors


You may see text like this:


...when you create an article in The Knowledge Base. This text is part of the standard article templates.

  • It's a user macro that will re-display the article title wherever it is placed.
  • It is there so that you do not have to re-type the title into the h1. heading within the article.
  • By placing the macro after the h1. tag the title will display both as part of the article body and as the browser window title.
  • It also prevents the title from appearing twice in the search results for that article.

Additional information

The K.B. Handbook

Documentation and information about using The Knowledge Base

Last Modified:

April 02, 2015

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