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How can I log Zephyrgrams I receive?

If you would like to leave a log file containing the text of all the zephyrgrams you receive. This log file will be written into the file


(e.g. if your username is "joeuser" then the copies will be saved in "/tmp/zwgc_log.joeuser").

You can find an example of how it is done by typing:

	attach zephyr
	more /mit/zephyr/attic/examples/log_file
If you do create a log into the /tmp directory, you might want to delete it
when you log out – otherwise it could be potentially read by other users.
To do that automatically, insert the line:
	/bin/rm /tmp/zwgc_log.${USER}

in the ~/.logout file.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 25, 2009

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