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Q: How can I find the print server for my printer?


Use Athena to find out the print server:

  1. Access Athena, using either an Athena workstation, the Mac OS X Terminal application, or a Mac OS 9 or Windows secure Telnet application.
  2. At the Athena% prompt, enter:

    hostinfo printername

    Result: If your printer's name is watertown-press and you entered: hostinfo watertown-press, the following information would appear:

    Desired host: watertown-press
    Official name: WTPR.MIT.EDU
    Host address:
    Host info: "HP/LASERJET"/"LPR"

    Note: Some printers, such as watertown-press, are known by an alias, but this printer's official name is wtpr.

  3. At the Athena% prompt, enter: hesinfo printername pcap, where printer name is the Official name listed above.
    Result: Continuing the watertown-press example above, if you entered hesinfo wtpr pcap, the following message would appear:


    In this example, FIBER is the print server name.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 02, 2012

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