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Request a Reimbursement for Me

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Use this online form to request a non-taxable reimbursement for an MIT purchase that you have made out of your own pocket. Non-taxable means that the reimbursement is not considered income and therefore not subject to income taxes. If you are requesting a reimbursement on behalf of someone else, or if you need to review or approve an RFP, please use Requests for Payment.
You have choices for the method MIT uses to reimburse you. If you have not yet set your reimbursement preferences, you may wish to review your current reimbursement settings to make sure they are what you want.

Note: If you do not set your reimbursement preferences, you will be reimbursed via direct deposit to your payroll direct deposit bank account. If you do not have a payroll direct deposit account on file, you will be reimbursed via check mailed to the home address in your HR/Payroll file.

You may learn more about RFPs and MIT policies related to RFPs here.

Completing the online RFP

The four steps in this process are listed below. Step 4 is critically important because this is where you send your RFP to another person to review or approve. Until you complete Step 4, your RFP remains in your own RPF inbox and cannot be approved.

  1. Enter information in the following sections on the form
    • Reimbursement details
    • Line item(s)
    • Note to Central Office (Accounts Payable or OSP) - optional
  2. Click Save and Continue to create a parked RFP
  3. Attach a Receipt file to the RFP
  4. Click Send to, choose a reviewer or approver as the recipient, and send the RFP.

Step 1: Reimbursement details

In this step, you may leave G/L Account and Cost Object blank for your RFP approver to fill in, if that is your department's process. At a minimum, you will need to enter the Date of Service, Amount, and an Explanation of the expense.

Payee Your name is displayed.
Charge to This field will default to MIT. Change this if necessary to another Charge to area e.g., Tech Review.
Name this RFP (Optional) Enter a name to help you group and search for RFPs.

Line Items

Date of Service Date of Service is the date on which the service was rendered or the product was purchased. If this request covers a range of dates, enter the last date in the range.
G/L Account Only select a G/L Account from the drop down list if you know what it should be. Otherwise leave it for the Approver or Reviewer to enter later.
Cost Object If you aren't familiar with Cost Objects leave this field for the Approver or Reviewer to enter later.
Amount Enter the amount for the goods received. This may be the total of several receipts for the same type of purchase.
Explanation Enter a brief description of the goods or services received and the rate of payment.
For meeting-related expenses, please enter additional information. To see what information is required, temporarily select the first G/L on the drop down list, 421000, and press tab. The list of required information will appear below. You may copy and paste it into the text box as an aid to entry.

Add Line

Add Line The Add Line button will create a complete new row with Date of Service, G/L Account, Cost Object, Amount and Explanation fields.
You DO NOT need to create a new line for multiple receipts charged to the same cost object and G/L account. Enter the sum of these receipts in the Amount field.
You DO need to use multiple lines for cost allocations split among multiple cost objects and G/L accounts.
Total When you add a 2nd line, an automatically generated total based on the amounts you enter for each line item appears below. You cannot change this total except by changing the individual line item amounts.

Remove Line

To remove a line empty all fields on that line. The next time you Save or Send To that line will be removed unless it is the only line on the page.

Note to Central Office

Note Use this space for additional explanation to either Accounts Payable or the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), or to add a request to Accounts Payable. Please contact Accounts Payable at 617-253-2750 or if you have a special request.

Step 2: Save and Continue

Save and Continue Click the Save & Continue button when you finish entering information. This will create the reimbursement request in SAP and assign an RFP number.
Result: The Attach Receipts dialog box will appear above the page.

If any required information is missing, you will see an error message near that field or in a red box at the top of the page indicating that it is required. Enter the required information and click *Save & Continue *again.

* *
After you click Save & Continue, you will see the following message confirming that your RFP was created.

Important Note: "Parked" means that your RFP has been created by the system but is being held until you complete the final step: Step 4 - Send to. This gives you the opportunity to review your RFP before you send it for review or approval. However, you must send the RFP on to be reviewed or approved. If you do not send the RFP to the next person in the process, your RFP cannot be approved.

Step 3: Attach or View Receipt

Before you can attach a receipt to your reimbursement request, you will need a scanned copy of the receipt as a pdf or image file. The following types of image files are supported : jpg, txt, gif, pdf, png, tiff, or bmp. The file size must be less than 2MB.

Attach Receipt Click this button to begin the process of attaching receipt documents to this RFP. Use the Browse button (or in Safari the Choose File button) to navigate to the receipt file on your computer. Then click Attach.
Result: You are returned to the RFP with several new options available.
View Receipt Click this button to view the receipt documents attached to this RFP.

Step 4: Send to

When you have completed the RFP, click the Send to button to route it to the person in your department who reviews or approves your RFPs.

Search for Recipient

Recipient's Name Enter the exact last name of an MIT person. Use either upper or lower case. If you are not sure of the spelling of a name, enter at least part of both the first and last name. Click on Search and a list of matching recipients is returned.
Select Recipient Select a recipient from the list. If there was only one result, you don't need to select anyone. This person will automatically become the recipient when you click Send. People without email addresses on file appear with an n/a next to their name and you cannot select them.
Note to Recipient This text box allows you to enter an optional message to the recipient. The recipient has the option whether to pass this message on to Accounts Payable or the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). If you received this RFP with a note attached, it will appear here as the default message.
Send Click the Send button and this RFP will be forwarded to the recipient.


If you are interrupted while entering information or if you change information, you can save your work by clicking Save. Save prevents you from losing your changes if you close your browser or your session times out.

RFP Confirmation

After you click Send to, you will see a non-editable version of your RFP with the words "RFP Confirmation" at the top. This confirms that your RFP has been routed to the person you selected in the Send to step above and that your RFP is on its way to being reviewed and approved.
See other Help pages such as "Track My Reimbursements" and "My Reimbursements Inbox" to learn how to retrieve your saved RFPs.

Reference Guide

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Last Modified:

July 11, 2014

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