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Error Message Only students and staff have access to the membership page. You may need to login.


I receive this error message when trying to access Stellar

Only students and staff have access to the membership page. You may need to login.


This message is received usually for one of three reasons:

  1. The client doesn't have certificates installed and clicks on a link in the navigation bar.

  2. The client does have certificates and is listed in the class membership list for the course site, but they haven't clicked on the Login button in the navigation bar for the Stellar course site.

  3. The client did not click on LOGIN before trying to access the site.

For Helpdesk Consultants:

If this article does not resolve the issue, please gather the information listed on the [Stellar Recon page ], mark the ticket new and move it to the Helpdesk:HDEdSys queue.


Documentation and information provided by the MIT Community

Last Modified:

June 19, 2016

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