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Taking Notes in the PDR System

It is possible to record notes about an employee in the PDR system at any time, even outside of the annual review period. These notes will be available to you when it is time to complete your staff member's annual review. To record a note:

  1. Start on the Home screen.
  2. In the My Team tile, click on an employee.
  3. When the tile shows the employee, click on Note.
  4. Write the note, decide whether you want to share it with the employee, and click Add.
  5. Later, when you're in the employee's form, there will be a button in the upper right called Supporting Information. You'll be able to get your notes about that employee there. (This is the same place where any feedback you have requested from others will appear.)

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

December 09, 2019

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