Spirion Landing Page
On this page:
Spirion is software tool used by many businesses and higher education institutions to locate sensitive information. Spirion identifies and classifies business critical, regulated, and sensitive data.
Not only will it locate data elements such as Social Security Numbers, credit card numbers, bank account data, and passwords, but it will also give the user the ability to securely delete the file, encrypt the file, or redact the particular fields. It searches data in files, emails, browser data, and system areas.
Key Features
- Protects sensitive information from attackers, no matter where it is located on your computer.
- Allows you to search and secure confidential data.
- Manages structured and unstructured data.
How to Obtain
To download Spirion, visit the IS&T Spirion page.
How to Use
Troubleshooting and FAQ's
- About the Spirion profile password
- Does running a Spirion scan slow down my computer?
- Spirion - A scan has found some sensitive data. What now?
- Spirion Client 12.5 for Red Hat Linux - Install and Uninstall
- Spirion - Take these preparations before running a scan
- Tips for using Spirion at MIT
- What is Spirion?
- What kinds of data will Spirion find?
- What kinds of files will Spirion scan?
- Where do I obtain a copy of Spirion?
- Which false positives does Spirion find?
- Why does each scan by Spirion find the same files?
- Why should I use Spirion or any data inventory software?