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Set Trust Level Classification in SAPgui 7.30

  1. 7.30 introduces a new security feature which prompts the user on first run to choose the Trust Level Classification on first connection. By default, the prompt is set to "Internal: Generally trusted..." however for our environment we need the trust level to be set to "Productive: Fully trusted." This should be set to the proper level when first connecting.

  2. If Trust Level has not been set correctly, the preference file must be deleted to trigger the prompt again.
    1. Close SAPgui
    2. Go to the Finder, hold down the Option key, and then choose Go > Library
    3. In the Library folder, go to the Preferences folder, then SAP folder
    4. Delete the file named trustClassification and close the Finder window
    5. Start SAPgui and connect to production
    6. Select "Productive: Fully Trusted. Needs access to local resources" then click OK. It should look like this:

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Last Modified:

October 15, 2014

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