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Select a Valid Function, JV upload error

Note: this article refers to the SAPgui JV upload function. The preferred method is to use the JV upload feature in Atlas instead.


When trying to do a journal voucher upload via SAPgui, I received an error message:

Select a valid function
Fatal error occurred. Please fix it
  • This error usually indicates some issue with the Excel spreadsheet, saved as a text document.
  • Please note that there is a limitation of 800 lines for a successful JV upload.


Make sure that you entered an X in the Column A of the last line of the Excel spreadsheet you are trying to upload.

An X must be inserted in Column A (the end-of-document marker column) to mark the last line of each journal document included in the file, even if there is only one.

If your journal document contains more than 800 lines, insert an X at line #800 and move the remaining items to a new journal document that you upload separately. The debits and credits in each upload file must balance.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

December 15, 2014

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