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Search Options in SAP

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Search Buttons

Button Name Description
Search help Use the search help button to find the choices available for a specific field.

Category Used to choose the tab option in a search help.
Please note: depending on the field the category but will change.

Selection Option Used to include or exclude options from a Search help such as =, >, <.
*; % Wild Cards Used to type partial text. * means and anything after. % represents an unknown character.  

Delete Selection Line Clears search selection for a field from search screen  

Search Help

In SAP Gui many fields have a Search Help button connected to the field.  It shows choices available for the field.  For example, if you click onto the field Profit Center then click the Search Help button it will give you a list of Profit Centers. To use the Search help button:

  1. Click the field you want to look up.
  2. Click the Search Help   button
  3. Choose the option for your filter.
  4. Click Enter .

Multitab Searching

Sometimes when you click the Search Help button you get a tabbed list of options.  To review the list you can click on each tab individually, or click the category  button to review the list of tabs.

  1. Click the field you want to look up.
  2. Click the Search Help button.
  3. Click the Category button.
  4. A list similar to the following appears that shows the tab categories for the field.
  6. Choose the Category.  The selection options change to reflect the tab choices.
  7. Choose the option for your filter.
  8. Set the filter choices and click Enter .

Search Selection Options

When working with a multi tab Search Help option, you can also use the Selection Option button to include or exclude options.  The Selection Option button gives choices such as = , >, < etc.  to help filter your choices.

  1. Click the field you want to look up.
  2. Click the Search Help button.
  3. Click the Category button.
  4. Choose the Category.  The selection options change to reflect the tab choices.
  5. Choose the option for your filter.
  6. Choose the option button , and choose the Selection option that best defines your filter, such as = or >.
    Result: A window will open with your choices below.
  7. Using the buttons on this window you can select, exclude options , or clear your selection from this list to get the filter you need. 
  1. Set the filter choices and click Enter .


Some selection options require you to enter text to search for an item.  Using wildcards allows you to enter part of the name without having to know the full name.  For example if you are searching on a location field for a building at MIT, but do not remember the building number on East campus you can type E* and get the list of East campus.

  1.  Click the field you want to look up.
  2. Type the text that you know, use wildcards where needed.
  3. Click Enter .

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

May 03, 2016

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