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This user guide demonstrates how users can create a ROM (Rough Order of Magnitude) for a new project or work request.

Steps to Create a ROM

  1. Open the PPMO Tool.
  2. In the Main Menu click Forms. A pull down menu appears with ROM.
  3. Click ROM. The ROM Forms page displays two sections: Forms and Lists.
  4. In the Forms section click New Project and the Summary Tab displays. Complete the necessary fields.
    1. Project Name: Provide a name for the project.
    2. Net New Service: Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to indicate if the project is a new service.
    3. CPT: Select the CPT alignment. Note: More than one CPT can be selected.
    4. Community Segment Impacted: Select what segment will be directly affected by the project.
    5. Work Type: Select Major or Minor from the drop-down menu. Note: Major projects generally, but not always, require a PM based on project size, complexity, or visibility.
    6. Roadmap Project: Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to indicate if the project was identified on Education or Administrative Roadmap.
    7. VIP: Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to indicate if the project was identified by Faculty, Assistant Dean, etc.
    8. ROM Sponsor: Enter the name of the individual who is the Sponsor of the proposed project.
    9. Community Primary Contact: Enter the point of contact (Note: This field may be the same as the Sponsor Name).
    10. Desired Completion (Date or Term): Enter the date or term the project should be completed.
  5. Complete the necessary fields in the Project Overview and Benefits section.
    1. Opportunity Statements: Provide a need and opportunity statement that gives a general description, in business terms, of the needs or opportunities that are to be addressed by the request.
    2. Benefit Realization: Indicate the strategic benefits by selecting the check boxes.
  6. Indicate how the project aligns to the CPT-strategic roadmaps in the Community Strategic Alignment section.
  7. Complete the necessary fields in the Scope and Objectives section. Define the scope and objectives as they relate to the goals of the business areas and processes within scope.
    1. Describe the major constraints and assumptions required to meet the proposed request’s objectives.
    2. Desired Outcomes: Enter the desired results.
    3. Assumptions / Constraints / Dependencies: Enter the assumptions, constraints, or dependencies that should be considered.
  8. Describe the possible risks associated with not completing the project in the Risk section.
  9. Complete the necessary fields in the Effort & Cost section. If applicable, list any technologies or services, including third-party vendors, that would be a part of this project. (Warning: The user will not be able to enter an effort estimate unless the ROM has been saved. The Save button is on the bottom right of the ROM form).
    1. Click Add or Edit Effort Estimate to add an estimate cost. This allows the user to enter estimated costs for the project.
      1. Description: Describe the solution.
      2. Solution Details: Enter any relevant notes.
      3. Click Add Line to enter the Cost Estimate Solution (Note: Click the red X to delete a Cost Estimate Solution).
        1. FY: Determine the fiscal year the solution is needed.
        2. Category: Select the type of solution from the drop down menu (Resource, Service, Hardware, or Software).
        3. Description: Enter the solution type (Java Developer, Big Data Developer, Project Manager, SAAS, License Fee, etc).
        4. Unit Cost: Enter the rate for the solution. 
        5. Hours/Qty: Enter estimated hours for the solution.  "Cost Estimate solution screenshot 1/2
          Cost Estimate Solution screenshot 2/2
        6. Click Save the Solution Detail will display in the Cost / Effort section.
        7. Add as many solutions lines as necessary to describe the full cost of the project.
    2. Click Save if the ROM will be submitted at a later time. (Warning: After saving, the option to delete the ROM before it is submitted will appear at the bottom of the screen).
    3. Click Submit if the ROM is ready to be reviewed by the WPT Board.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

October 21, 2016

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