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MITvoip Telephone Ring Tones and No Ring

You can set a separate ring tone for each phone number that is assigned to your phone. This allows you to distinguish by ear which number is ringing. You can also set a ring tone to Silent Ring so that line does not ring audibly on your phone. (You can still answer calls by pressing the line key or the Answer soft key.)

Set a Ring Tone or No Ring

Note: Setting a Ring Tone only affects your phone. It will not change how a shared line rings at other phones.

  1. Press the Menu button.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Basic.
  4. Select Ring Type.
  5. If prompted, select the line you want to configure.
    Result: A list of 12 ring tones will appear, the first of which is Silent Ring. A check mark indicates the current ring tone for that line.
  6. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the list.
    • To hear a sample of a ring tone, highlight it and press the Play soft key.
    • To set a ring tone, highlight it and press the Select soft key.
    • To set a line to no ring, select the first tone, Silent Ring.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 02, 2013

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