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MIT Events Calendar - Group and DLC Pages - Finding and Following

Find a Group or Department

All groups and departments will have their own landing page to display events, share news and blog posts and contact information. Also, groups and departments can provide a description with a logo to appear on the landing page.

Users can find groups or departments on the calendar homepage by using the Find Events search bar. Also, you can locate groups or departments by clicking on the Groups or Departments section on the homepage. This will list all the groups and departments in the calendar.

Follow a Group or Department

Each group and department landing page will have a Follow button. When logged into the calendar, users can follow a group or department to stay informed about their events. When you follow a group or department their events will be added to your user profile calendar, which can be found in User Profile->My Calendar. You will be listed as a follower on the group's or department's landing page.

Unfollow a Group or Department
Users can unfollow a group or department by removing it in User Profile->My Groups.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 30, 2017

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