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Overview has been rebranded and integrated into LinkedIn’s existing suite of services as LinkedIn Learning. MIT will be moving from the interface and branding to LinkedIn Learning's new site. It contains the content from, new LinkedIn Learning content and additional features to help you find the courses you need based on your skills, training history and interests. You also have the option to connect your LinkedIn Account to your LinkedIn Learning account for enhanced recommendations and to automatically list course completions on your LinkedIn Profile.

During the transition from to LinkedIn Learning, Lynda will not be available from Wednesday, July 31 - Thursday, August 1. Beginning on Friday, August 2, you will be able to access the new LinkedIn Learning portal.

About LinkedIn Learning

Do I have to pay for this?

No, it is licensed to MIT faculty, students, staff and affiliates for use at no additional charge.

Are all the courses from on LinkedIn Learning or is it a different set of courses?

All the courses from will be available on LinkedIn Learning, plus additional materials that are part of LinkedIn Learning. New courses are being added regularly, so you will have access to more training than ever before.

What are the added features if I do link my LinkledIn Learning and LinkedIn accounts?

  • You can access MIT LinkedIn Learning via either MIT Touchstone Authentication or logging into your LinkedIn Account.
  • Personalized enhanced course recommendations.
  • Share course completion information on your profile and with your network, if you choose.
  • Your course history will move with you should you leave MIT.

Do I need a LinkedIn account to access training now?

No, they are separate systems. You can link them if you choose, but it is not required to have a LinkedIn Account nor to link it if you do.

Using LinkedIn Learning

How do I login?

MIT's LinkedIn Learning Site:


After go-live, if you have connected your personal LinkedIn Account to MIT LinkedIn Learning, you can login with your personal LinkedIn account.

What do I need to do to keep using the mobile app to take courses?

You'll need to uninstall the app and install the LinkedIn Learning app.

I started a class on, will I still be able to access it on LinkedIn Learning?

Yes, your course history and all the courses from will be on LinkedIn Learning. You will be able to easily find your course in your history and complete it on LinkedIn Learning.

Learning History

Will my learning history from come with me to LinkedIn Learning?

Yes. Your learning history (courses watched, courses saved, etc.), and certificates of completion are migrated from your account to your LinkedIn Learning account.

How long will it take my learning history and bookmarks to be migrated to my LinkedIn Learning account?

It can take up to a week after you first login to your MIT LinkedIn Learning account for all of your courses and bookmarks to migrate from your old profile to your new LinkedIn Learning account. If after a week you are missing any bookmarks or course completion information, contact the IS&T Service Desk for assistance.

What happens to my learning history after I graduate or leave MIT?

Prior to leaving MIT ensure you connect your personal LinkedIn profile to your LinkedIn Learning account. This will store all of your transcripts so that if you ever get a LinkedIn Learning account in the future all of your transcripts go with you and are accessible down the road. If you choose not to connect your personal LinkedIn profile to your MIT LinkedIn Learning account your learning transcripts will be lost upon leaving MIT.

Security and Privacy

What will MIT administrators be able to see?

  • Learning activity, such as courses viewed and completed.
  • Some public profile information, such as your name, work title and profile photo.
  • Any courses you've transferred from your personal account to your MIT account.

What can't MIT administrators see?

LinkedIn does not give MIT access to your private activity from your LinkedIn account such as:

  • Your connections
  • Your private messages
  • Any job search activity, such as postings viewed
  • Any courses viewed in your personal account

What can my LinkedIn Network see?

Only what you choose to share. You can choose to connect your LinkedIn and LinkedIn learning accounts (see more below) and:

  • Add completed courses to your profile
  • Share courses with your LinkedIn network

Connecting Accounts

Do I have to connect my LinkedIn and LinkedIn Learning accounts?

No. You may be prompted to do so, but it is completely optional.

If I want to connect my accounts, do I have to use my MIT email address on LinkedIn?

No, you only have to authenticate your MIT identity via touchstone when logging into LinkedIn Learning, then connect your accounts. You can still use any email address you'd like on your LinkedIn account.

If I connect my accounts, can I change my mind and disconnect them?

Yes, you can change your mind at any time and disconnect your MIT LinkedIn Learning account from your personal LinkedIn account. However, that means you will no longer get advanced recommendations or be able to access MIT LinkedIn Learning from your personal LinkedIn account. Your learning history will also not travel with you should you leave MIT.


What if I already have a paid LinkedIn Learning account?

If you already have a LinkedIn Learning account you can easily transfer all your transcripts over to your new MIT LinkedIn Learning account. Simply activate your MIT LinkedIn Learning account by logging in with your MIT credentials and ensure you connect your personal LinkedIn Profile. That’s it. After that all of your history will be stored and you can cancel your personal subscription if you wish.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 05, 2019

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