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CrashPlan for Linux - Installation

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  • Install the CrashPlan client for Linux using the customized MIT installer script. Installation will be fully automated.
  • Note that even if you plan to run Code42 on a headless server, you will need to do an initial login via the GUI.

Step-by-step Instructions

Please note that the file name you have downloaded may vary based on the version available at the time of download and screen shots may vary slightly in appearance or version number depending on the version you're installing.

Dependency on libgconf-2-4
CrashPlan apps on Linux typically require that you install the configuration package libgconf-2-4. If that package is missing, CrashPlan's initial install alerts you, but an upgrade fails silently. To install the package, type the following in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4 After you install libgconf-2-4, your Code42 app should work normally.

  1. Go to the CrashPlan download page on the IS&T Software Grid (Certificates required.)
    Result: The file containing the CrashPlan installer downloads as something similar to "CrashPlan_11.2.1_23_Linux_MIT.tgz".
  2. Using a terminal window, extract the files from the .tgz file. We recommend putting the .tgz and the extracted files into a folder that root can read, such as /tmp:
    user@computer$ mv CrashPlan_11.2.1_23_Linux_MIT.tgz /tmp
    user@computer$ cd /tmp
    user@computer$ tar zxf CrashPlan_11.2.1_23_Linux_MIT.tgz

    Result: The CrashPlan_11.2.1_23_Linux_MIT.tgz archive is expanded and creates a new folder named crashplan-install and an install script called

  3. Run the install script. Enter your computer's administrator password when prompted.
    root@computer# cd crashplan-install
    root@computer# sudo ./
    root@computer# [sudo] password for KerbID:
  4. The installation will proceed fully automated and completely silent. No message will indicate that the installation is complete.
  5. You can launch the CrashPlan GUI by running /usr/local/bin/crashplan
  6. The CrashPlan Desktop program will open. Enter your MIT email address click Continue then enter your Kerberos Password if prompted and click Continue. You may also be asked to authenticate with MIT Touchstone.

    Note: If you are asked for a server address or certificate, see CrashPlan is asking me for a server address and registration key
    1. You will have to choose whether the computer is setup as new device or to replace any existing device. The CrashPlan wizard will walk you through each scenario.
    2. You will now be at the CrashPlan Desktop main screen and your computer should begin to backup.
  • If you have many large files, first time backup may take a few days but subsequent backups should be quicker.
  •  CrashPlan selects every "User" folder on your computer. It also selects some hidden folders; it is normal to see a half-dozen folders on the list, including ones that you haven't seen before.
  • Because CrashPlan is always working to keep your computer backed up, you may want to pause backups while you are away from campus to avoid using up your personal data limits or incurring any extra fees for overages. To pause CrashPlan's backups, simply click the pause button next to the status bar per the image above. Just be sure to turn it back on later!

See Also

More Information

For additional information about CrashPlan, you can visit

If you have questions, contact the IS&T Help Desk.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 11, 2024

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