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Closed Stellar Site Articles

About a month and a half after the end of a semester, Stellar course sites are 'closed'. The course materials are available indefinitely, but in read-only form (unless they are restricted) - essentially frozen as the contents were on the close date.

Access is restricted to instructors, administrators and students who are listed in the membership section of the class during that term. However, restricted materials will not be available because of Copyright restrictions.

Instructors and Admins can view and download course materials including restricted files. If an instructor needs to edit any of the course materials on a closed site, we would need to temporarily re-open the Stellar site for them.

Depending on how the site access is set, Students (Class List and Participants) may view the course materials except the restricted files.

How do I add someone to a closed (older, previous) Stellar site?

I have a new Stellar site for this semester, but I want to reuse the course materials from a previous Stellar site. How do I do this?

Where can I find a list of the older course sites? Stellar's main page only seems to show current sites.

I'm an instructor/admin for a Stellar site and I am reusing course materials from last semester's site. I'd like to prevent students from accessing the answers to the problem sets. What can I do?

How long will course materials stay online?

Can I access restricted files on a Stellar site after the semester has ended?

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 26, 2016

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