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Change the setting for mirrored folders for a VMware Virtual Machine

To make it easy to store data on your host machine, the IS&T Administrative Staff Windows 7 VM has been configured such that when you access My Documents or the Desktop, you are accessing the Documents and Desktop of your Macintosh.

This is called mirroring, and allows data to be stored on the host machine, where it can be included in regular backups.

Caution: Files deleted from the Virtual Machine Desktop or My Documents folder will be deleted from the Macintosh Desktop or Documents folder as well.

Follow the instructions below change settings for mirrored Desktop or My Documents, in the IS&T Administrative Staff VM, or in another VMware Virtual Machine.

NOTE: IS&T strongly discourages storing data within the Virtual Machine. If the VM is configured such that the VM and host machine Desktops and My Documents folders are not mirrored, take care not to inadvertently store data on the VM Desktop or in the VM My Documents folders.

Steps to turn mirrored folders On for a VMware Virtual Machine

  1. Open the Virtual Machine and log in to Windows.
  2. Follow the menu path Virtual Machine > Sharing > Sharing Settings
    Result: The Sharing dialog box opens.
  3. Ensure that the slider bar is set for Shared folders to be On.
  4. In the lower section, entitled Mirroring, place a check for Desktop, My Documents, or other desired folders.
  5. Close the Sharing window, using the red button in the upper left corner.
    Result: You will be prompted to log off the Virtual Machine in order for the changes to take effect.

Steps to turn mirrored folders Off for a VMware Virtual Machine

  1. Open the Virtual Machine and log in to Windows.
  2. Follow the menu path Virtual Machine > Sharing > Sharing Settings
    Result: The Sharing dialog box opens.
  3. You can choose to leave Shared folders On, so that you can navigate to the host machine as needed, or you can turn Shared folders Off.
  4. In the lower section, entitled Mirroring, uncheck Desktop, My Documents, and other folders as desired.
  5. Close the Sharing window, using the red button in the upper left corner.
    Result: You will be prompted to log off the Virtual Machine in order for the changes to take effect.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 18, 2013

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