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Access denied error for time sheet entry, employment position not yet entered in system


I am a student who recently began an employment position, and am getting an Access Denied error when I try to access the time sheet entry screen. The error message accurately shows my own username. The transaction code is ZHRI_TIMESHEET. What does this mean?


Service Description: Time Sheet Entry

Transaction Code: ZHRI_TIMESHEET

User Name: <USERNAME>


A number of different situations can cause this error message, see: Access Denied error for time sheet entry, ZHRI TIMESHEET Overview

This article is most appropriate for a student who has recently begun an employment position.

If you are seeing your own username in the Access denied error, then your MIT personal certificate is working properly.

A likely cause for this error message is that the hourly position has not yet been entered in the SAP system. The first step is to check with the HR administrator for the department. That person needs to submit a Personnel Action Form or use Web Grad Aid to enter your position into the system. For undergraduate positions, the data entry is manual, even after the form has been submitted, and that process can take several days. If needed, the HR administrator for the department should contact the HR Pay Service Center, at x3-4255 or

The HR Pay Service Center, at x3-4255, can check as to whether there is an active position in the system.

Escalation Info

[hd:Escalations info for Help Desk Staff - Access denied error for time sheet entry, employment position not yet entered in system]

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 04, 2016

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