Glossary - R
Click on letter to jump to the list of terms starting with that letter. Click on a term to jump to the full definition. The excerpts on this page show the first line of each definition.
- R&R — Rewards and Recognition (program)
- RA (Research Administrator) — An individual who demonstrates the knowledge necessary to serve as an administrator of professional and sponsored research programs.
- RA (Research Assistant) — A researcher employed, often on a temporary contract, by a university or a research institute for the purpose of assisting in academic research.
- RAC — Rooming Assignment Chair
- RAC (Religious Activities Center) — The Religious Activities Center (Building W11) houses the MIT Chaplains, student religious organizations, and other religious functions. The Religious Activities Center has three small multipurpose rooms available on a limited basis.
- RACP — Research Administration Compliance Program
- RADL — (Division of Comparative Medicine) Research and Diagnostic Lab
- RADLAB — Radiation Laboratory (old)
- RAII — Research Administration Improvement Initiative
- Rambax MIT — Replace this text with one or more definitions for this term. Remember to use a pair of {excerpt} tags to contain the text you want displayed on the glossary index pages.
- RBA — Residence-Based Advising (program)
- RCRA — Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- Redaction — The process of sanitizing (removing) unnecessary information from a file to get rid of sensitive or private content.
- REL — Resource Extraction Laboratory
- Report — Data Warehouse term: A report that you can construct in BrioQuery to display data from the Results section of the query.
- Request Tracker — Also commonly known as RT, Request Tracker is an open source trouble ticket system developed by Best Practical Solutions.
- Results — Data Warehouse term: The data that has been retrieved after processing a query and displayed in the Result section of BrioQuery.
- REX — Residence Exploration and Selection
- RFC 822 — defines the standard for the format of ARPA internet text (email) messages.
- RFID — Radio-Frequency Identification
- Ribbon — a term coined by Microsoft for its new user interface tool bar in Microsoft Office 2007 applications
- RIKEN — Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (in Japan)
- RIKEN-MIT — Neuroscience Research Center
- RLE — Research Laboratory of Electronics
- RLSLP — Residential Life and Student Life Programs (In July 2002, RLSLP was divided into the Department of Student Life Programs and the Department of Housing.)
- RNAi — RNA interference
- ROI — (old) Title of the Sloan School's alumni magazine
- ROSES — Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences
- ROTC — Reserve Officers Training Corps
- ROV — Remotely operated vehicle
- RPE — Retirement Plan for Employees
- RPSM — Retirement Plan for Staff Members
- RSC — RetroSpective Collection (Libraries)
- RSI (medical condition) — Repetitive Strain Injury
- RSI (summer program) — Research Science Institute
- RSIT — Residence System Implementation Team
- RSJP — Radiological Sciences Joint Program