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Glossary - R

Click on letter to jump to the list of terms starting with that letter. Click on a term to jump to the full definition. The excerpts on this page show the first line of each definition.

Glossary: 0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • R&RRewards and Recognition (program)
  • RA (Research Administrator)An individual who demonstrates the knowledge necessary to serve as an administrator of professional and sponsored research programs.
  • RA (Research Assistant)A researcher employed, often on a temporary contract, by a university or a research institute for the purpose of assisting in academic research.
  • RACRooming Assignment Chair
  • RAC (Religious Activities Center)The Religious Activities Center (Building W11) houses the MIT Chaplains, student religious organizations, and other religious functions. The Religious Activities Center has three small multipurpose rooms available on a limited basis.
  • RACPResearch Administration Compliance Program
  • RADL(Division of Comparative Medicine) Research and Diagnostic Lab
  • RADLABRadiation Laboratory (old)
  • RAIIResearch Administration Improvement Initiative
  • Rambax MITReplace this text with one or more definitions for this term. Remember to use a pair of {excerpt} tags to contain the text you want displayed on the glossary index pages.
  • RBAResidence-Based Advising (program)
  • RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act
  • RedactionThe process of sanitizing (removing) unnecessary information from a file to get rid of sensitive or private content.
  • RELResource Extraction Laboratory
  • ReportData Warehouse term: A report that you can construct in BrioQuery to display data from the Results section of the query.
  • Request TrackerAlso commonly known as RT, Request Tracker is an open source trouble ticket system developed by Best Practical Solutions.
  • ResultsData Warehouse term: The data that has been retrieved after processing a query and displayed in the Result section of BrioQuery.
  • REXResidence Exploration and Selection
  • RFC 822defines the standard for the format of ARPA internet text (email) messages.
  • RFIDRadio-Frequency Identification
  • Ribbona term coined by Microsoft for its new user interface tool bar in Microsoft Office 2007 applications
  • RIKENInstitute of Physical and Chemical Research (in Japan)
  • RIKEN-MITNeuroscience Research Center
  • RLEResearch Laboratory of Electronics
  • RLSLPResidential Life and Student Life Programs (In July 2002, RLSLP was divided into the Department of Student Life Programs and the Department of Housing.)
  • RNAiRNA interference
  • ROI(old) Title of the Sloan School's alumni magazine
  • ROSESResearch Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences
  • ROTCReserve Officers Training Corps
  • ROVRemotely operated vehicle
  • RPERetirement Plan for Employees
  • RPSMRetirement Plan for Staff Members
  • RSCRetroSpective Collection (Libraries)
  • RSI (medical condition)Repetitive Strain Injury
  • RSI (summer program)Research Science Institute
  • RSITResidence System Implementation Team
  • RSJPRadiological Sciences Joint Program


Provides definitions for common IT terms and acronyms

Last Modified:

July 12, 2016

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