Glossary - L
Click on letter to jump to the list of terms starting with that letter. Click on a term to jump to the full definition. The excerpts on this page show the first line of each definition.
- L2L — Leader to Leader Program
- LA — Lab Assistant
- LAI — Lean Advancement Initiative (formerly Lean Aerospace Initiative, and Lean Aircraft Initiative)
- Lambda Chi — Lambda Chi Alpha, a fraternity of MIT
- LAMP — Library Access to Music Project
- LARA — Labor Aerospace Research Agenda
- LARC — Lunar Array for Radio Cosmology
- LBGT — Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, and Transgender (also commonly referred to as LGBT)
- LBRC — Laser Biomedical Research Center
- LCA — Lambda Chi Alpha
- LCC — Latino Cultural Center
- LCEE — Laboratory Consortium for Environmental Excellence
- LCS — Laboratory for Computer Science
- LDAP — Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, an Internet protocol that programs use to look up information from a server.
- LEED — Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
- LEES — Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems
- LEXCOM — Laboratory for Experimental and Computational Micromechanics
- LFEE — Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
- LGC — Living Group Council
- LGO (Program) — Leaders for Global Operations (formerly Leaders for Manufacturing; name changed in 2009)
- LIDS — Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
- LIGO — Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (joint project with MIT, CalTech and 20 other institutions)
- Limits — Data Warehouse term: Criteria used to narrow the scope of a query.
- LINAC — (Bates) Linear Accelerator
- LINC — Learning International Networks Consortium
- LINCC — Lincoln Laboratory Children's Center
- LINEAR — Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (Project)
- LIS — Lowell Institute School (no longer at MIT)
- LL — Lincoln Laboratory
- LLARC — Language Learning and Resource Center. Currently known as the Foreign Languages and Literatures Resource Center (FLL)
- LMF — La Maison Française (also known as French House)
- LMIT — Lemelson-MIT Program
- LMP — Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity
- LNS — Laboratory for Nuclear Science
- localhost — "localhost" is the standard host name given to a computer's loopback network interface.
- LOFAR — Low Frequency Array, a radio telescope being built in the Netherlands and part of Germany
- LOGyCA — Columbia-based logistics company
- loopback — The term "loopback" or "loop-back" refers to a special route that sends traffic from your computer back to itself, usually without this traffic actually being sent out over the network.
- LSAT — Law School Admissions Test
- LSC — Lecture Series Committee
- LUChA — La Union Chicana por Aztlan
- LVAC — List Visual Arts Center