Glossary - G
Click on letter to jump to the list of terms starting with that letter. Click on a term to jump to the full definition. The excerpts on this page show the first line of each definition.
- G (following a name or subject number) — When preceded by a name and comma, indicates the person is a graduate student. When appearing after a subject number, denotes a subject offered primarily to graduate students.
- G&S — Gilbert and Sullivan (Players), theater group at MIT, also known as MITGASP
- GA — General Assembly
- GA (old) — Graphic Arts (old)
- GABLES — Gay, Bisexual and Lesbian Employees and Supporters
- GAMIT — Gays at MIT
- GASB — Governmental Accounting Standards Board
- GAST — Graduate Aid Simplification Team
- Gateway — A node on a network that serves as an entrance to another network.
- GBEP — Greater Boston Executive Program
- GCRC — General Clinic Research Center
- GEM — Graduate Education for Minorities
- GEM4 — Global Enterprise for Micro-Mechanics and Molecular Medicine
- GEMS — Graduate Education in Medical Sciences (program)
- GGT — Gamelan Galak Tika
- GIR — General Institute Requirement (in the undergraduate program)
- GIS — Geographic Information Systems
- GitHub — is a MIT site running a hosted version of the GitHub software. It lets people upload and share programming code with others.
- Global Address List (GAL) — The global address list (GAL) is a directory that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within MIT's implementation of Microsoft Exchange Server. For Exchange users, the GAL is displayed in the Outlook, Entourage or OWA Address Book on your computer.
- GMAT — Graduate Management Admissions Test
- GMT — Giant Magellan Telescope, a project of the GMT consortium, of which MIT is a partner university
- GOD — JS
- GPA — Grade Point Average
- GRAIL — The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory
- GRE — Graduate Record Examination
- GRIP — Graduate Research Initiation Program
- GRT — Graduate Resident Tutor
- GSC — Graduate Student Council
- GSL — Guaranteed Student Loan
- GSN — Graduate Student News, the newsletter produced by the Graduate Student Council
- GSO — Graduate Student Office
- GTD — Getting Things Done (GTD)
- GTL — Gas Turbine Laboratory
- GTM — Global Traffic Manager (load balancer)
- Guest Operating System — A guest operating system is an operating system installed on a host machine (a physical machine) and run virtually using VMware or other virtualization software.